neighbors helping neighbors
When you consign with us, you’re doing more than just selling your items. You make the process of simplifying your closet easy and convenient. And those items that you no longer use may become your neighbor’s new favorite.Â
We also make it easy to collect your payout when your items sell. Just come in during business hours, we’ll check your account, and provide payment while you’re in the store. Or you can use your account balance to shop and gain an extra 10% credit.
A Proven Process
We tag 15,000- 20,000 items each month. We add 750+ new items to the sales floor daily. All items rotate through a sale process of 25%, 50%, 75%, to 85% during their 90 day consignment.
The small number of items that don’t sell within 12 weeks, we donate to a local charity, and are able to print you an annual report of your donations.